

Spiritual Intelligence

As the people of Israel, before us we have our past yelling at our ears. It shouts: Come back to me. Come back to drank, enjoy the flesh pleasure, it is easy and you know what to do. In opposite to this, we have an uncertain future, full of doubt, challenges and obstacle to be faced.
To think in come back to the past is easy, we know what to do. There, there are bits of pleasures and  joy, even we cry and suffer, always there are a 'Friday' where everybody can drank and forget for minutes all pain, anguish and uncertain thought that insist in live around us. But the future... what to think about that! As the Israelites, in some moments of our lives all that we can see is the big, insurmountable sea.  Sea of difficulties, big dreams hard to find, some things impossible to us
I don't know you but I know that in some part of your life you are, getting the pressure! May be at finances area, sentimental area or health. Whatever it is, everybody, early or later will face 'the pressure'.
Lots of people choose to cede pressure and, after become a Christian, come back to old life because not choose the "Spiritual Intelligence".
Some people are very intelligent in their business, know how to win money but are fool in order to choose what is right to do to get a peacefully life. Those that are spiritual fool choose the easy way, that obvious way. They change eternity for what is earthy. They change serious relationship to five minutes of pleasure.
The Israelites said: God brought us here to die! Before the pressure, they used not the Spiritual intelligence, they just chosen what is easy to think! Exodus 14:11 They said to Moses, "Was it because there were no graves in Egypt that you brought us to the desert to die?" BUT Moses, a Spiritual Intelligent man, said: "Do not be afraid. Stand firm and you will see the deliverance the LORD will bring you today."
Dear reader,  don’t cede pressure, choose the Intelligence, choose God and His words even when all things seems impossible or hard.
God opened the sea to that people; He will do the same to you. All that you need to do is: TO MOVE
Move your thoughts, action and focus to God's things and all things will get better
with Love..............Pati Nanni

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